mark this post and check back often to see what I've updated in regard to the Mormon Relief Society broadcast.
Update: On LDS.org you can watch the 2013 General Relief Society Meeting on the Internet.
2013 Relief Society Meeting Synopsis According to WBMW:
Keep Covenants. Go to Temple. Pray. Read Scriptures. Serve Others. God loves us whether we deserve it or not!
"Relief Society sisters worldwide are invited to view the satellite broadcast of the general Relief Society meeting, which will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. mountain daylight time and will be broadcast to many areas of the world.
All women 18 years of age and older are encouraged to view the broadcast. They are also encouraged to invite friends and neighbors who may benefit from the meeting.
Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president; Carole M. Stephens, first counselor; and Linda S. Reeves, second counselor, will speak, along with a member of the First Presidency.
Those wanting to invite friends and associates to participate in the meeting can use the general Relief Society meeting event on the Church’s Facebook page."
Join the live stream at LDS.org: Watch 2013 General Relief Society Meeting on the Internet
LDS Media Talk: Get Live Updates from LDS Relief Society General Meeting
"Use the hashtag #ReliefSociety when you talk about the Relief Society General Meeting on on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr, or Tumblr." ~ Larry Richmond
And, as always, you can follow me on my WBMW Facebook page, and/or Twitter, where I'll be posting my own General Relief Society broadcast updates.
Now that the broadcast has concluded, I will post links for how to watch online, highlights, texted, etc., as they become available...
Quote memes from General Relief Society Broadcast:

This post will be updated...
Now that the broadcast has concluded, I will post links for how to watch online, highlights, texted, etc., as they become available...
Quote memes from General Relief Society Broadcast:
"Making and keeping covenants means choosing to bind ourselves to our Father and Jesus Christ. It is committing to following the Savior. It is trusting Him and desiring to show our gratitude for the price He paid to set us free through the infinite gift of the Atonement." Linda K. Burton

"As we seek our Heavenly Father through fervent sincere prayer, and earnest dedicated scripture study, our testimonies will become strong, and deeply rooted. We will know of God's love for us. We will understand that we do not ever walk alone." ~ Thomas S. Monson
This post will be updated...
Kathryn Skaggs
LDS Church News
LDS Church News
Mormon Newsroom: Millions to Watch or Hear 183rd Semiannual General Conference
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