You may be interested in the following statistics from the October 2009 general conference.

Live Video on the Internet

Languages: Live video streaming was provided in English, Spanish, Portuguese, American Sign Language, and French at

Usage: There were 587,870 unique live video streams across,, and the two video options on during the 4 general conference sessions. This is a 16% increase from April 2009. The statistics on the new video player on represent an increase of 15% from April 2009. provided 82% of the total video usage.

     Note: Unique views are defined as the number of individual devices (computers, phones, etc.) that visit the video players. Uniques are tracked for each session, but not across sessions. An individual who watched two sessions would be counted twice in the overall unique number, but only once for each session they watched. Also note, that there may be 2 or more individuals viewing at each computer.

Statistics Across Viewing Options and Languages

  • Unique views on new video player on 364,670 (62% of overall). English 86%, Spanish 10%, Portuguese 3%, ASL 1%.
  • Unique views on windows media player on  115,656 (20% of overall). English 78%, Spanish 15%, Portuguese 4%, ASL 2%, French 1%.
  • Unique views on 90,012 (15% of overall). English N/A (81% in April ‘09), Spanish N/A (14% in April ‘09), Portuguese N/A ( 5% in April ‘09).
  • Unique views on English 17,532 (3% of overall). English 100%

Live Audio on the Internet

There were over 106,157 unique live audio streams on This is a 22% decrease from April 2009.

Downloadable Audio & Video on the Internet

Downloadable conference materials are available in multiple formats (text, audio, video) and languages at

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