This “Enigma” was written by Samuel Hammer. There are several men by that name in Utah at this period (1877); the most likely candidate is one born in Pennsylvania in 1862, and therefore still a teen when he submitted this to the Juvenile Instructor

As usual, please solve only one (not two, because this is short) letters and leave the rest for other readers to play along, too. Thanks for your consideration in that regard!

I am composed of 12 letters.

My 2, 3, 1, is a bone in the human body.

My 12, 10, 11, causes many accidents.

My 1, 9, 8, is a young animal of the male gender.

My 7, 6, 11 is a grown up animal of the same gender.

My 4, 2, 6, 3, 11, is raised in abundance in Utah.

My 1, 3, 11, is what it is often kept in.

My 11, 9, 10, 11, is the name of anything.

My 5, 6, 7, is used for food.

My 7, 6, 2, 8, is a girl’s name.

My whole is the name of a man, honored in Utah and famous throughout the world.

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