caretakerThe Church has just released a new video “His Grace: Serving as a Caretaker.”

When Shermeka heard that her niece had been abandoned at a local fire station, she made a choice that would change her life forever.

Tiana was born more than four months premature and has multiple medical conditions. Shermeka knew it would be a challenge to take care of her, but she was determined to do it. One night, when Tiana was crying and Shermeka was overwhelmed, she received help from a friend and realized that she was never alone as a caretaker.

“No, I’m never alone. Physically, I’m never alone because I have my roommate, I have my friends, and I have my ward family. Spiritually, I’m never alone because I have my Heavenly Father and I have my Savior,” she explains.

Are you or is someone you know a caretaker? Share this video and remember that support is always available.

For resources on dealing with life’s challenges, see Hope and Help on

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