My wife and I were at the temple in New Zealand where, since I was now an elder, we could be sealed. In the temple, where we stayed for a week, one of the veteran temple workers approached me. “You’re a journalist, aren’t you?” he asked. The question surprised me because I wasn’t aware I had mentioned that to anyone. He then directed me, rather forcefully, to listen very carefully to the language of the male initiatory ordinance that had to do with defending truth. I won’t mention them here, but I think of those words every time I do initiatory ordinances.


-thus Michael Otterson, Church PA director.


Like friend of the JG T. Greer said, read the whole thing.I don’t agree with everything he says.  For instance, the big tent Mormonism he sketches out seems pretty narrow to me.  We are free to believe in Mormonism and European communism, he says, or Mormonism and feminism.  But are we free to reject European communism and feminism?  More to the point, are we free to believe that they are handmaids of evil?  He doesn’t say so.

From this and other things I’ve seem from, I think Brother Otterson suffers from a bit of professional deformation.  All the same, the overwhelming impression from the address quoted above is an impression of good sense, faith in Christ, and love.  May his tribe increase.



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