This is the day that we commemorate the birth of our prophet of this dispensation, Joseph Smith. 208 years ago, Joseph Smith started his earthly journey in Vermont. He was born in normal childbirth, just as many of us on the earth were. There were no complications at birth that would signify anything later in his life. But let's explore his life as if we we were there to see him leave the premortal existence to the next phase of his eternal sojourn and in the shoes of his earthly guardians.

In the premortal earth life, we were all there. We knew who Joseph Smith was and what he signified.We knew he was going to be the one to usher in the gospel in the latter-days. We probably all shouted for joy, just as when we heard Heavenly Father's plan.

Yet, to his earthly parents, he was no different than any other newborn. There are very few recorded instances where the parents (or one of the parents) knew what their child represented. And it is no different today. We as earthly parents have our children, but do not really know what our children may become. We all have great hopes for them, and we bless them that will have all the gifts that Heavenly Father has to bestow upon them. But we just don't know. We place our faith in the Lord to help guide us as parents so that we can teach them properly.

Many detractor's claim that we worship Joseph Smith over Jesus Christ. This is not true. we worship on our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. We pay homage, commemorate, and have great veneration for Joseph Smith. We recognize him as a prophet who did see and speak with God.

Joseph Smith, like many of us grew up with good parents who were "God-fearing". They had religion in their lives and worshiped Him. They, again like us - had good influence on our behavior; we were taught by our parents - taught the value of work, honesty, love of God, etc. But again, we all have been given characteristics or talents that we may not know of. We get to see, as our children start to grow up, their personal characteristics - the traits that were given to all of us in the premortal life.

And there are many that come upon this earth that have had or develop physical ailments along the way. We, as parents cannot be prepared for these things. We accept them and adjust our lives to the nurture and care of these children. We may question our Heavenly Father why we were given such children, and I am pretty sure that the answer from Him would be "Because you have those traits in you to take care of my special children."

Joseph Smith, along with his siblings developed typhoid fever which affected his leg. His willingness to accept a "new operational procedure" and his refusal to accept anything to dull the pain (at that time, the anesthesia was typically some sort of liquor) set him apart as one that could withstand pain. And as a result of that fever and the subsequent operation, he walked with a slight limp the rest of his days. What extraordinary things have we, as parents witnessed from our children? Perhaps it is deeper empathy, intelligence. Whatever. Know that these are special gifts given to us through our Heaven;y Father.

We all know the story of the First vision, when Joseph was a young boy at 14. What is miraculous to me is the reaction of his parents when he told them of the vision. They believed him. How many of us have complete belief in our children when they tell us things - even things that may seem absurd?

Joseph's true religious purpose in life didn't start until after he had seen that vision. And its also when the persecution started too. He was made fun of and even threatened for what he saw. He very easily could have just said that he lied and then life would have gone on as normal, but his courage to stand for what he believed in shone through. He suffered tarring and feathering, being beaten, verbal threats, and ultimately those that hated him so much that it was one of their bullets which ended his life on the earth - at an early age of 38.

How many of us can do similar, by never backing down from what we believe in? We all have testimonies of some degree of the gospel. We are still being persecuted to one extent. One just needs to look in the local newspapers and read editorial, comments about the church, and other things. But, luckily we are not being threatened with our lives. We are not commanded to recant our testimonies or perish. But yet, many of us willingly recant our testimonies by what we post on social networks, how we react in public and our thoughts. Our example is the biggest thing that can and does affect how others perceive us and the church.

We all can stand for what is right. We can be example of righteousness on this earth. We can make a difference. It all starts with us. I think that the scenario of Joseph Smith's time would be a lot different today with the internet and news media coverage. But we were chosen by our Heavenly Father to live in certain times and eras. We have miraculous new advancements to share the gospel, just as it is also used to tear down. We can take a stand and share the gospel to others through the internet. It matters not whether the source is internet or otherwise - conversion can still take place. And how great will be it be our joy to know that through our social networking efforts, that it can truly be possible for "millions to know brother Joseph again" and to be converted to the gospel of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
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