sprinklersThe days, they roll together like waves of green blowing across the alfalfa field.
Swath, rake, bale, haul, stack.
Swath, rake, bale, haul, stack.
Round and round
Like the pivots delivering dew from above
Precious life giving water.

IMG_2332- joseph swathing

As we circle the field, my husband and I talk about our children.
The cute antics of the two year old
The crazy ideas of the five year old
(and thought provoking questions “If God made Adam, who made God?)
How the eleven year old is doing so well
being more responsible.
One year until the oldest is off to college.
Weren’t we just there a few short years ago?

IMG_2316 swathing pivot
IMG_2370- our house

Before I think too hard
Before panic sets in
I look out and see
There is beauty there
For me to enjoy
Here. Now.
It has always been there.
And always will be
A constant.

IMG_2325- swathing pivot

Circling back around, swathing a new row
I am reminded others have tread here
Felt the dizzying spin
Of children growing up

IMG_2395 pivots 2 & 4

Our lives are rolling onward
Toward what?
And at such speed!

IMG_2378- sprinkler on pivot

The water is there
Living Water
Drizzling mist-like
Sometimes drenching
But always
The perfect amount to keep me going
Turning to Him.
I drink it in.

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