America has shifted its attitudes on privacy. While some Americans remain uncomfortable with a government that can step into their private lives at any moment to listen to their conversations, read their email, or inspect their online actions and purchase history, many Americans are accepting the call by their leaders to surrender a little privacy in the name of being protected against miscellaneous enemies. The message is that privacy in America is no longer a supreme right, and many, perhaps most, citizens and politicians are comfortable with that stance, though they may agree that there have been some extreme invasions of privacy that need to be corrected in the future. 
So if attitudes and, for the matter, law is shifting regarding personal privacy in America, may I suggest that it's time to address America's most serious privacy problem? You know, that other privacy problem? The one where the government has told us that the right to personal privacy allegedly trumps all rights of others, including the right to life, when that other is an unborn child? If our politicians are now telling us that privacy is not such a big deal anymore and that privacy is something we must be willing to part with for our own good and especially for the good of others, perhaps this would be a good time to revisit Row vs. Wade and ponder whether this right to privacy actually exists in the 14th Amendment, where no hint of privacy as a fundamental right appears to be present to most readers. Perhaps this would be a good time to recognize what science is telling us about the life of that unborn child in the womb, correcting the very bad and primitive science used to justify the unnecessary extinction of that life.

Frankly, if we're willing to give up enough privacy to let officials view our bodies in nude scanners and listen in on our conversations without a warrant, maybe we should be willing to drop the myth that our right to privacy trumps the right to life. Let's start the conversation about that other, bigger privacy problem. 

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