The RootsTech family history and technology conference offers free family history training for adults and youth.

The conference is in Salt Lake City on March 21–23, 2013. For a schedule and more information, or to register for the conference, go to

RootsTech is an opportunity unlike any other to discover the latest family history tools and techniques, connect with experts to help you in your research, and be inspired in the pursuit of your ancestors. It is a conference with a unique emphasis on helping you learn and use the latest technology to get started or accelerate your efforts to find, organize, preserve, and share your family’s connections and history. You will learn key skills from hands-on workshops and interactive presentations at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced level.

Learn more at

If you are not able to attend RootsTech in person, the “Best of RootsTech” sessions will be streamed live online all three days of the conference at

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