Sheri Dew visited our area for a 3-Stake fireside Saturday night. I was exhausted from a lot of different things and did not go, but my best friend gave me a very comprehensive repeat with her extensive notes. One of the statements Sis. Dew made that struck those who were there (several people shared the thought with me) was the observation that we are living in a telestial place, with telestial laws and telestial results. She talked about the fact that we make celestial covenants because we intend to live in a celestial place with celestial laws and celestial results. We had ought to be careful how the world touches us, what voices we listen to, and what sorts of goals we work toward.

What, she said, is influencing you?

I’ve thought about that since, especially with a spiritual experience this past week in which the Lord told me something 180 degrees counter to what I might expect to hear from the world, and I’ve been deconstructing how much of my thinking is inspired by false, worldly ideals, mingled with celestial truths. I am a little nonplussed at how much of my thinking is influenced by worldly norms, even if I reject those norms. I still find myself pushing back against them rather than just going on my (hopefully) celestial way. While not necessarily following after worldly or secular goals, am I still influenced by them, feeling the need to justify myself, explain myself, or perhaps slightly alter my eternal trajectory to hit a few worldly highlights on my way through?

Some thoughts that have especially presented to me in the hours since hearing this question are how my chemistry has influenced me; how doubt has influenced me; and how Satan has co-opted virtues like respect for others’ individuality, modesty of expression, developing self-worth, courage, and unity with others of different perspective to produce something decidedly less than celestial. It occurs to me that Satan doesn’t have to alter truths to be successful; he just has to influence them.

  • How do you feel influenced by the world?
  • What forces are exerting pressure on you, altering your eternal focus and your eternal peace?
  • What do you do to recenter?
  • What has resulted from your efforts to disentangle from “the philosophies of the world”?

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