When I was a little child I was baptized by a Catholic priest without my permission. Obviously I had no clue of what was going on.

Similarly, the day I die, perhaps some of my relatives in Italy will decide to ask another Catholic priest to perform a mass for me. I can already see some of them very concerned that because I am now a Mormon, and I am still planning on dying as one, I may not go to heaven, and so they will want to speed up my stay in purgatory (hopefully they will not think that I deserve a worse place than that) and pay a priest to do a mass for me.

What should be my attitude or the attitude of my children toward them?

I think that we should apprreciate their effort and offer, instead of complaining. I do not believe that a Catholic Mass when I die will do me any good, but why getting upset over that then? I should appreciate that in their mind they are trying to help me.

Similarly, I do not understand why people get so upset when they discover that someone performed a Mormon baptism for the someone – famous or not – that was member of another religion.

For example, some are upset when a Mormon baptizes a victim of the Holocaust. On one hand I understand their feelings, because we are talking about a people who suffered greatly, and about something horrible they had to go through. So, I understand their initial reaction.

However, since they do not believe in what the Mormons do, I think that they could simply ignore it, as something useless, and absolutely not dangerous or malign, and focus more on problems they may have with others who hate them and want to kill them.

It is like the Catholic Mass, that someone may perform for me when I die. What harm can it do to me? None.

Similarly, why getting so upset because someone out of love baptize them? Instead of being killed by bombs, I think that it is a lot safer to be baptized by Mormons (when you are already dead anyway)!

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