Happy December 1! We’ve had people searching on the topic of Christ-centered advent calendars, so we’re posting Christmas advent activities posted in years past. Enjoy!

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The verses below capture teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as events from His life, as recorded in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints use the Book of Mormon along with the Bible. Both are witnesses of Jesus Christ, whom Mormons worship as the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

Do you have a favorite advent activity that you use in your family? Feel free to share in the comments section below, or send us an email at gmail, username mormonwomen.

(Scroll to the yellow highlighted verses to find the specific verse(s) listed.)

December 1: Isaiah 7: 14
December 2: 2 Nephi 26: 3
December 3: Matt. 15:30
December 4: 2 Nephi 2 : 9
December 5: 3 Nephi 11: 1-11
December 6: Mark 16: 5
December 7: Moroni 7: 28
December 8: Luke 23: 33, 34
December 9: 1 Nephi 19: 9
December 10: 2 Nephi 9: 21
December 11: Matt. 14: 17-21
December 12: 3 Nephi 11: 15
December 13: John 13: 34
December 14: Matt 20: 30-34
December 15: 2 Nephi 2: 26
December 16: Matt 4:23
December 17: Luke 2: 46-47
December 18: Matt. 3: 16
December 19: 2 Nephi 2: 6
December 20: Luke 2: 8-11
December 21: Matt. 1: 21-23
December 22: Helaman 14: 2-4
December 23: Helaman 14: 5-8
December 24: Luke 2 : 12-16


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Eric explores the meaning of advent and the origin of advent traditions. Scroll to the bottom of the page for links to daily scriptures and musical recommendations. For the second, third, and fourth Sundays leading up to Christmas Eve, he includes “stirring anticipatory episodes known traditionally as the Annunciation to Mary, the Dream of Joseph, and the Visitation.”

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Ardis, a Mormon historian, scanned sheet music from older LDS hymnbooks and periodicals to celebrate every day of advent. One of her blog readers then surprised Ardis and her readers by recording audio accompaniment for each of the songs. You can find both the sheet music and the audio files in this post.  This is a unique sort of advent that musicians will not want to miss.

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Alison collected and posted the following Christ-centered Christmas advent calendar ideas. They are all great options for bringing daily devotion into the Christmas season.

-Character of Christ Christmas Advent Calendar - Focus each day on a characteristic of the Savior as you read scriptures about Him.

-Christmas Tree Advent Calendar - Daily scripture reading is coupled with an ornament to put on a tree.

-Daily Goal Christmas Advent Calendar – Includes scriptures and music and goal-setting each day to bring you closer to Christ.

-Musical Christmas Advent Calendar - Music and scriptures together help bring the spirit of the season into your home.

-Scripture Christmas Advent Calendar - Yet another option combining scriptures and music.

-Service Christmas Advent Calendar - There’s nothing quite like focusing on service at this time of year. Of course, you could tailor the list to suit your family’s situation.

-Q&A Christmas Advent Calendar - This would be great for a family with young children — ask questions that help children think about what is happening in the scriptures.


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