Editor’s note: The poem below, “A Family is Born” by Sue captures a key purpose of Mormon temples — to allow a husband and wife to be married not just “’til death do you part” but beyond death, into the eternities in what is sometimes called celestial marriage or temple sealings. [Read more about Mormon temples.] You can read more of Sue’s poetry here.)

Mormon temple sealing room

A Family is Born

©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson
Shared with permission

Man and woman.

Heaven’s grace

reaching, touching

altar’s lace.

Gift of God,

the sealing power.

Life eternal

from that hour

is theirs. A prize

to lose or keep

by covenant

that runs heart-deep.

A family born.

A promise sure.

If man and woman

but endure.

His seed also will I make to endure forever, and his throne as the days of heaven.
Psalms 89:29

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The image above is of a sealing room in a Mormon temple. For more glimpses of what the inside of Mormon temples look like, see the following posts for more information.

What Does the Inside of a Mormon Temple Look Like?

Ask a Mormon Woman: What does the inside of a Mormon Temple look like? (v.2)

Mormon Temples Virtual Tour

Inside Mormon Temples at MormonWiki.com



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