It’s been a season of heartbreak. Strolling up and down the streets of my neighborhood I can describe the anguish in one house after the other:

a baby born still

a house under foreclosure after the loss of a job

a teenage son addicted to marijuana

a marriage broken by pornography addiction

the sudden death of a 36 year old father of four

debilitating depression

a sister with stage 4 cancer

a father who abandons his wife and children for the bed of his secretary.

And yet, one fresh-faced, gloriously beautiful family in my neighborhood is spending the entire summer traveling. Their father has taken a sabbatical from work and they are exploring a half dozen national parks and spending long weeks with grandparents and cousins. “I almost feel embarrassed,” Alison confessed to me, “it seems so indulgent to go from one vacation to the next all summer.”

“Oh no,” I replied, “enjoy this summer. Soak it up. Take thousands of photos. You may never have this chance again.”

I’ve watched so many lives change in an instant that I celebrate with anyone who is having a season of peace and happiness (and travel!). I especially rejoice in those who find happiness in the midst of sorrow.

My heart has been eased by a glorious trip to San Diego where my sister fed me delicious meals, romped in the waves with my children and plied me with romance novels.

Tell me something good in your world– a healthy baby, a dream job, a new quilt on your bed– tell me something happy. Let’s celebrate together

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