The health care reform bill is a total scam.
  • 1,900 pages of fine print to describe favors, earmarks, and pork barrel spending (some of which has nothing to do with health care). What do the congressmen stand to gain from all this? Pet projects for their friends who helped put them into office? Under-the-table deals? Helping special interest groups? Remember, 21 legislators are currently under investigation for corruption. The the number of FBI agents focusing on public corruption jumped by more than 56% in the past several years -- from 451 agents in fiscal 2001 to 705 in fiscal 2008.
  • The bill has caps on what doctors can make, but no caps on what trial lawyers can make off medical lawsuits, which are a big reason for high health care costs today.
  • Remember that for every dollar spent on health care, 0.6 percent goes towards health insurance costs. The health insurance companies are making a very modest profit. And for every $1 spent on health care, all the "evil CEOs" account for 0.0005 percent. So why does this bill target health care insurers and providers with controls and regulations? The government's real desire has nothing to do with reducing the cost of health care. It's about the government wanting to run insurers out of business so they can control this huge part of our economy--similar to how they've taken over car companies, banks, and soon other industries.
  • It's also about putting a few more million people on the health care welfare rolls to buy their votes.
  • I'm sure the politicians will just squeal with delight to be able to control people by telling them which insurance they can't have, and which they must have, and dictating who gets treatment and who has to wait. Of course, if you're too old, you won't get any because the young people are more valuable.
  • You think it's hard now trying to convince someone in your health insurance company that they should change a policy or grant you an exception? At least today, they listen and actually make some changes that benefit us as employees. Do you think some bureaucrats in Washington on the death panels will care one bit about your personal situation?
  • They say the health care bill will cost $1-2 trillion. Just wait. It'll be double or triple that.
All we really need in health care reform are some simple steps (which are not in the current bill), like tort reform, allowing consumers to buy insurance across state lines, and small employers allowed to pool resources to buy coverage at the same price as large companies.

This is the scariest legislation this administration has cooked up yet. It is potentially very damaging to our freedoms and American way of life.
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