Geologist Ian Plimer is a noted climate change sceptic.

From Wikipedia:

"Plimer is critical of what he sees as an irrational environmental movement and claims that the vast bulk of the scientific community, including most major scientific academies, is prejudiced by the prospect of research funding. He has characterised the IPCC so: "The IPCC process is related to environmental activism, politics and opportunism" and "[the IPCC process] is unrelated to science". He is critical of greenhouse gas politics and argues that extreme environmental changes are inevitable. In 2009, Plimer released Heaven and Earth, a book in which he claims that climate models focus too strongly on the effects of carbon dioxide, rather than factoring other issues such as solar variation. Scientists involved in climate change research counter that they have, in fact, factored in the influence of natural forces and that there still remains a significant human influence on the Earth's climate system."

I heard Dr. Plimer on the radio the other day, and he made a lot of sense. There are many other factors that the political-scientists today refuse to discuss. For example, that billion-degree ball of fire in the sky that we call the sun might have some effect. It could also be that earth is going through its natural courses of warming and cooling. Some of the many ways of measuring the earth's temperature show that the earth is actually in a cooling cycle and not warming at all. Dr. Plimer also mentioned that volcanos have a much greater effect on the earth's temperature than all the carbon dioxide emissions. Read more of Dr. Plimer's agruments.

Do we really understand this well enough to embark on the largest tax in American history—the $7.4 trillion cap and trade (carbon-trading) bill—which President Obama and his cohorts are so assiduously trying to impose on the US economy. Dr. Plimer says that man's attempts to try to change the climate are feeble attempts to "fiddle with the dials."
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