1. Limit government. I don't want the government to dictate what I should eat, where I get my medical care, or what values my children are taught in school. Local government should be the strongest, followed by state government, followed by a federal government that provides basic constitutional services. That's how the Constitution set it up, but now the federal government is the most powerful, which is something the founding fathers warned us about. People at the local and state level are in the best position to reflect the desires of the people they serve.
  2. Elect responsible leaders. Government leaders work for me. They are not an elite ruling class that is above the law. We must hold our leaders to the same standard as the public. Congress should live by the same rules as citizens. No special deals like a congressional bank that offers unlimited overdraft privileges and free loans. The only way to stop the backroom deals, pork spending, and political abuses is to fire them all and start over. Then impose serious term limits.
  3. Limit taxation. Limited government also means lower taxes. 10% maximum combined total from all levels of government. I work for myself and my family, not for the government. There is no magic source of revenue that doesn’t eventually come from the pockets of every American. Stop wasting so much money and energy on figuring taxes and collecting them from thousands of sources. Reduce the 70,000 pages of tax code to a simple flat tax collected at a few easy sources.
  4. Exercise common sense above politics. Let the legislative process work. Discuss, debate, and vote. Require politicians to actually read the bills before they vote on them, rather than spend all their time at martini parties making backroom deals. Don't invent crises to push through new laws and spending programs. Don't give the President increasing powers to commit the country to treaties and policies with the stroke of a pen. Spending trillions of dollars won't stop the earth from warming—if it even is. Cap & Trade energy taxes won't do anything to reduce carbon emissions—they are just new taxes.
  5. Exercise financial responsibility. Manage the country’s finances like you expect families to manage theirs. Balance the budget immediately without increasing taxes. Eliminate over half the current government programs and agencies—most American’s don’t want them. Don’t just print more money, thereby devaluing the savings and assets of all citizens. And don’t enslave our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren with debt.
  6. Reward those who play by the rules and discourage those who don't. People who work should make more than people who sit home and collect welfare. People who bought homes they could afford and paid their mortgage payments should not have to pay for those who didn't. It’s not the government’s responsibility to provide a job or even a given standard of living to everyone, nor is its job to spread the wealth around. Those who work hard and risk something should be rewarded for it; those who don’t should be allowed to learn from the consequences. Those who have never paid taxes into the system should not benefit from the system.
  7. Respect God, morality, and the family as the core of a strong America. “Separation of church and state” means that government doesn’t dictate any particular religion, but not that government should discourage religion and faith. A strong America encourages families with a mom and a dad who teach good values to their children.
  8. Put America first and other countries second. Sure we want to promote freedom and human rights worldwide, but our economy, freedom, and security come first. When we give all our wealth and energies to the rest of the world, we become weak to the point of destroying ourselves and being of no use to ourselves or to the rest of the world.
  9. Defend America’s culture. America is a melting pot, not a collection of independent "little Italies," little Mexicos," "little Indias," or "little anything elses." If you want it to be just like “back home,” then why did you come to America? Not all customs and practices are of equal worth. Don't allow middle easterners the right to beat their wives here in America, just because that's what they did back home. If their "home" is now America, then act like Americans, or go back "home."
  10. Defend America’s language. English is the official language of the country. Stop spending billions translating every government form.
  11. Respect the order of law. If we have a law to build a southern fence, then build it. If we have immigration laws, then enforce them. When crooks swindle people out of millions of dollars, then put them in jail and make them pay back the money. When we selectively enforce laws or reduce sentences because of backroom deals, we compromise the whole system.

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