As you may have noticed, this blog has turned a little gimmicky lately.  I have music monday, wordless wednesday and friday funnies and nary a regular old fashioned post in between.  I feel kind of guilty about this, but then I realize, I have been very busy.  I can’t crank out the thoughtful, heartfelt, quality posts I would like to on a daily basis.  In short, I am running out of gas on the solo blog thing.    The alternative, since this is really a hobby is to do the slow blogging thing.  I am only writing when a great idea hits me, or to navel gaze, in the case of this post.   

   Some items may interest my public readership, meager as it is.  I am open to anybody’s suggestions on what they want to see more of.  In fact, I would like to know all your thoughts on my new MWF features.   Here is a poll especially for you, the readership I serve.  Pick as many as apply.

View Poll

    The problem is, not posting sends my viewership into a tailspin.  I am a bit neurotic.  I have improved much over the past few years but my neurotic need to please still tugs at me.  I need content.  So now I am borrowing the good stuff found all over the web, not just for a points of interest roundup but for comics, music, and breath taking photos worth a thousand word post.  Perhaps it is a sign of the future that the written word is becoming a thing of the past. 

      However, to ease the nagging voice in the back of my head decrying that this is unoriginal and uninspired, I have come up with the ultimate rationalization.  You see, this is actually a group blog.  I administrate, I find stuff, I post other people’s fine work, all around my theme, and largely without their knowledge, but always with a link, of course. 

 I only contribute my own stuff on those rare occasions inspiration hits.  This is my quality control.  So, welcome to my own carnival.  Contributors welcome, though I do reserve editorial rights.

Tagged: Blogging, collaboration, ideas, imagination, originality, pictures, writing

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