Through the generosity of members of the Schulzke family, Keepa is permitted to post photographs to accompany Friedrich Schulzke: “It Fell to My Lot to Guide the Little Branch.”

Friedrich Schulzke (1843-1937)

Friedrich Schulzke, Anna Egliens Schulzke, and son Kurt

One of three hand-made notebooks owned by the Schulzke family,
in which Friedrich kept records of the Memel Branch.
This page indicates that meetings were canceled on 21 March 1915 because of Russian invasion;
the following week, meetings were held as usual.

Max Schulzke (front left), Friedrich’s son, posing with his U-boat graduating class;
Max died during the war, believed to have been torpedoed at the mouth of the Thames River.

Friedrich, with Oliver H. Budge, president of the German-Austrian Mission, in Memel.

Anna Egliens Schulzke (1860-1945)
This Latter-day Saint woman, nearly 85 years old, died as a refugee somewhere in Lithuania or Poland,
fleeing the Russian army and trying to reach the comparative safety of Berlin,
where Friedrich’s daughter Marta lived.

Grandson Ernest and great-grandson Stuart, at the site of Friedrich’s grave, in Memel, 1995

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