Mothers' Day came and went. I'm ashamed that I went through the day without taking a moment to consider and pray for the many mothers whose children have been unjustly torn from their arms by the State of Texas. As the facts unfold, many fair-minded people are beginning to wonder how this can happen in America, that an entire community would be raided and their children torn away, triggered by a hoax call that the State just can't admit was a hoax - clearly a hoax.

I'm worried that some of us Latter-day Saints let our antipathy for polygamy and FLDS ways blind our eyes to brutal injustice against them. When I have spoken up for the Constitutional rights of the FLDS people, I've had fellow Latter-day Saints wonder why on earth I would defend them, as if defending basic human rights of others is somehow condoning whatever crimes and sins they may have committed. We treat illegal immigrants with far more dignity and concern for their rights. Good grief, we treat known gang members and drug addicts with more dignity.
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