A woman in Denver has been fined $1000 for dying her white poodle pink with natural beet juice. Denver has an ordinance against dyeing animals. Even though the woman did it to raise awareness against breast cancer, and even though no permanent harm has been done to the poodle (apart from the danger of an inflated ego from the cool pink fur), the law has frowned upon her. But if she had allowed her children to get permanent hideous tattoos and to dye their hair pink, she'd just be another cool mom.

Are we sometimes more concerned about protecting cute little animals than protecting cute little people?

And is it too harsh for me to suggest that parents might want to be proactive in warning their children against the risks and problems of tattoos and extremes in styles and behaviors? The world is encouraging young people to do things a whole lot crazier than getting pinked up with a little beet juice. Not that I have anything against pink. As for poodles, well, please don't ask.
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