In some countries, November 11 is a day to honor those who have served their county in the military. November 11 marks the anniversary of the end of World War I, and is commonly referred to as Armistice, Remembrance, or Veterans Day, depending on where you live. It is a day to express gratitude to all those who have sacrificed so much—including their very lives—in the cause of freedom.
Many faithful members of the Church, from the days of the Mormon Battalion to the present, have courageously stepped forward as guardians of freedom and have served their country with distinction.
On Veterans Day, we join with others in honoring all veterans and their families for their dedicated and valiant service in such a noble cause. Find veterans or active military people today and tell them thanks for their service!
Below is a list of Church resources for those who serve in the military:
Military Relations and Chaplain Services page on the Church website. This page is designed to help priesthood leaders understand their responsibilities and to provide resources to help strengthen and support Church members in the military.
Church Resources for Military Members. This page lists specific Church products for military members, including books, lessons, pamphlets, and videos.
- Principles of the Gospel book. A companion to scripture study. It contains instructions for Latter-day Saints in the military, gospel topics (arranged alphabetically), instructions for priesthood ordinances and blessings, and 31 selected hymns. It is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- Becoming a Self-Reliant and Resilient Family. Eight lessons to help military people and their families cope with the challenges of military life and with periods of deployment and family separation. It is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- Gospel Lessons for LDS Service Members Attending Basic Training. Lessons to help strengthen testimonies of Jesus Christ and remain faithful members of His Church.
- Supporting Military Families. Information on how to prepare for deployment, how to remain connected and involved with family members while physically separated, and how to avoid temptation during periods of loneliness. It also provides information about post-traumatic stress disorder; family needs if a military member is killed, wounded, or missing in action; and resources available to military members.
- Serving Your Country. Video that emphasizes the importance of remaining strong in the gospel while serving your country. It has an accompanying brochure with helpful counsel for Latter-day Saints serving in the armed forces. The brochure is available in English and Spanish.
- Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled. Video for those who have served or will serve during periods of war and armed conflicts.
- Suicide Prevention and Military Service. Video by Elder Dale G. Renlund
- Military Identification Tag. This small metal identification tag includes a sculpted image of the new Church symbol along with instructions on the back to contact a Latter-day Saint chaplain or Church member in case of injury or critical incident. The tag should be given to each member serving in the military to be worn with their military ID tags. First responders may also choose to wear the identification tag.
- Pocket-size Scripture Set. This small set of scriptures is an ideal size for members in the military.
The post Happy Veterans Day: Thanks to Veterans Who Serve Their Country first appeared on LDS365: Resources from the Church & Latter-day Saints worldwide.
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