This evening, I was getting a little creative with some music. I will often just turn on my digital audio workstation (DAW), set it to record and just start to play. So, whatever I start playing is saved on the computer. In this instance, I was trying to come up with a patriotic arrangement. I started to noodle with, "My Country 'Tis of Thee". I happened upon a nice chord progression which lent itself to the melody. I then looped back that piano part and started noodling with other ideas. And for some reason, "Amazing Grace" came to my fingertips. This sounded nice too, with the same chord progression. So, I saved that part and looped it back. And then, things got interesting. While the accompaniment was looping, and while the time of Amazing Grace was looping, I started to play the melody of, " My Country 'Tis of Thee" in with all of that, and you know what? It worked! My immediate thought as I'm on to something. I figured I could because of recent arrangements where I mashed two times together.  So, went on social media to ask if it sounded crazy to "mash" these together in an arrangement. I received a message from a fellow musician whom I respect, who gave me counsel in one sentence. This person said:

Just because you can, doesn't necessarily mean you should.

One sentence got my mind reeling. It made me step back and look at things in a different light. There are many choices we are presented with daily - perhaps hundreds. Some things are "no brainers". They are things that we know better. Perhaps things that we learned the hard way.  And there are things, that while they may seem the right thing to do, may not be the best, or have the best outcome. All choices we make have consequences attached with them. Many are good, but some are bad even though we may not be able to see the consequence of our choices.

Just because our car speedometer says it can go to 120 miles per hour does not necessarily mean we should test it. Just because we can mix vinegar with grape juice and drink it doesnt mean we necessarily should. And lastly, and perhaps more to the point - just because we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and have a testimony of the restored gospel does not necessarily mean we have the right to judge another person on what they perceive or how they act. Each of these have their own consequences. By driving at 120 miles per hour, you are risking yours and others lives. By mixing two innocent ingredients together, one could get violently ill from doing so. And by judging another, one is in danger of eternal consequences.

The television and internet are littered with all sorts of things for sale. Often disguised in sensually appealing commercials and some even innocent sales used to entice. An example of this was just this evening. While watching the latest episode of "A.D. - The Bible", when commercials came on, they were completely derogatory to the wonderful biblical account that I was watching. While the commercials were not devious in any way, they were not in harmony with episode that I was watching. Just because advertisers can, does not necessarily mean they should.

Just as the respected friend who messaged me with the single profound sentence, the holy spirit does the same thing. It whispers truth to us. But if we are not willing to hear, then we are "left unto ourselves...". Just as I am grateful for wise friends, I am grateful for the spirit.

As for the music, I'll keep on developing it, but not mashed together - concentrating on one melody at a time.

Choose Eternity

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