I’ve decided to hold a contest to give away my old Kindle. (It’s a third-generation Kindle, now called a Kindle Keyboard, with 3G.)  It will come with an electronic copy of my short story collection, Rejiggering the Thingamajig and Other Stories (published by Paper Golem), a few of my other short stories, and my unpublished epic fantasy novel Heir of the Line.  The Kindle has a red leather cover with book light. If the winner wants, I’ll autograph the Kindle.

Eric James Stone's old Kindle

What do you have to do to have a chance to win this one-of-a-kind item?  It’s fairly simple:

  1. Pick your favorite of the stories I’ve written.  If you haven’t read any of my stories, here are ones you can read (or listen to) for free right now:
  2. Write at least a sentence about why you like the story, and post it publicly on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and/or your blog.  (If you can, please include a link to the story or my website.)
  3. In the form below, enter your name, your email, and links to where you’ve posted why you like the story.  You’ll get one entry in the drawing for each place you posted.  By sending me the link, you’re giving me permission to quote what you’ve said about my story.
  4. The deadline for entering is 11:59pm MST on Wednesday, December 19, 2012 (The function that I used to close off entries used the wrong time zone and cut them off 6 hours early. I’m extending the deadline till noon on Thursday so those who were wrongly shut out can enter.)   I’ll use a random number generator to pick the winner the next day, and if the winner replies to my email in time for me to mail it that day, it can probably arrive before Christmas. (It’s the perfect gift for the biggest Eric James Stone fan among your friends and family!)
  5. The contest is only open to U.S. residents, as I’m too cheap to pay for international shipping.  My fiancee and people who I see at my family reunions are also not eligible to enter.

The contest is now closed.

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