Many of you have been reading here at (G)MG for a while now. You know my writing style. You've felt my frustrations. You've listened to my soap-box rants and gotten a front-row seat to my (sometimes woeful) dating life. And I'm honestly grateful for that.

This blog has slowly evolved from a desire to simply share a message of hope and faith... into a place where I can work out my thoughts and get feedback on what is happening in my mind. When nothing else in my life seems to be working, I know that I can find something compelling to write, share it here, and it will be worthwhile to someone. I often write things here that I never tell anyone else... and, beyond helping others, the simple act of writing my thoughts helps me understand and face them in my own life.

I have a personal request. Based on what you know about me, and from your own perspective, I want your critical thoughts on who I am:

If you were me, what would you change?

It can be about anything - deep or trite. Maybe my obsession with ellipses drives you personally crazy... or maybe you feel I'm arrogant or distant or needy. Maybe I'm too optimistic and don't realistically acknowledge the pain I encounter in life... or maybe I need to brighten up and find more joy in the journey.

Whatever your thoughts, please let me know.

I'm not looking for praise or adulation or thanks in this post... my head is big enough already. I just need help understanding I can improve... and I trust you enough to ask.


Mormon Guy
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