It used to puzzle me how Peter used the gift of tongues to preach the need for Christ. I would read through his words and I had a hard time catching the logic behind it. Recently, I was able to finally see it.

  1. This outpouring of spiritual gifts had been prophesied by Joel.

  2. [continuing the quotation of Joel] At the same time, scary things are going to happen too before the great day of the Lord came.

    1. (This establishes the need for salavation.)

  3. Anyone who called on the Lord would be saved.

  4. Jesus of Nazareth (crucified and resurrected) is the Lord to call on for salvation and is the Messiah.

    1. Jesus was approved of God.

    2. He did miracles.

    3. You crucified Him.

    4. God raised Him up again.

      1. David prophesied of him.

        1. "Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell."

        2. "Thou wilt not suffer thine holy one to see corruption"

      2. David had to be prophesying of Christ because David is dead.

      3. David saw beforehand Christ's resurrection

      4. We are witnesses that Christ is risen

    5. Christ is exalted and on the right hand of God, shedding forth the Holy Ghost, which is what you are seeing now.

      1. David prophesied of this ascension too, though not ascended himself.

        1. "The Lord said to my Lord, sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool"

When the people ask what they should do, Peter says:

  1. Repent and be baptized every one of you

    1. In the name of Jesus Christ

    2. For the remission of sins

  2. You shall receive the Holy ghost (which you have seen operate here)

  3. The promise is to you here and also to you from far away, whoever is called by the Lord. [also from Joel quotation]

  4. Save yourselves from this perverse generation.

Conclusion: There is logic Peter's words and most of the complexity comes as he cites scripture to explain that Psalms spoken by David were in anticipation of the death and resurrection of Christ.
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