Did you know that feedback to LDS.org is handled by a team of more than four dozen volunteers and missionaries in 16 countries? The LDS.org response team is one way that members can serve the Church as volunteers, service missionaries, and full-time missionaries. Most of them serve from home.

Almost every page on the new LDS.org contains a link labeled “Do you have feedback about this page?” Through that link, visitors may submit a compliment, question, suggestion, or other comment about the website. The LDS.org response team provides timely response to inquiries, feedback, and comments that help improve Church websites. Some volunteers also monitor the Church’s Facebook page.

You may want to apply to volunteer or become a missionary (opportunity ID number 5833) assigned to the response team.

In the first six months of 2011, more than 53,000 feedback items were submitted—an average of 1,600/week.  Because of this volume, it is impossible to respond to every message. But the goal is to respond to those that warrant a response within 48 hours.

Read more about the LDS.org response team, including how to serve, in the article “LDS.org Response Team: A Unique Way to Serve.”

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