(The following is something older I found in my files but it was good enough that I thought I would share it.)

I recently finished reading the April 2010 Ensign magazine and as I was looking at the front cover, I realized something. The cover was of the apostles looking at the prints in Christ’s hand from His crucifixion. I thought about those marks and I realized just how miraculous they really were.

The nails went all the way through Jesus’s hand and feet. Yet when the apostles saw the resurrected Lord, those gaping holes were healed and only prints remained in the skin. They witnessed that something had happened and they witnessed that the hurt had been healed.

What does this teach us? I think that it shows us how we can be healed from all of our wounds—physical, emotional, spiritual—through Christ’s redeeming power. I expect that the prints of those wounds will remain; after all, nothing can erase that those things happened. But the wounds will be healed.

Here’s another picture that I found related to this idea. (It’s almost disgusting how amazingly wonderful it is.)

(Image#1 from http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?locale=0&sourceId=52ce06c7b9097210VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=ccb1d48fa58db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD)

(Image #2 from at http://diannehanks.com/category/ask-me-mailbag/)
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