
Who were we, and what were we doing as a people, in 1959? Here are a few of us –







Carlota de Yalibat, Relief Society President,
Coban Branch, Guatemala

Patrons in the library of the Genealogical Society

Cleaning carpets in the Tabernacle
Benjamin N. Pearce – Hank Kolkman

Constructing meeting houses,
Northern Mexican Mission

Guam Branch Primary

Entertainers at Gold and Green Ball,
Auckland, New Zealand

Christmas Snowflake Chorus
Cottonwood 2nd Ward (Salt Lake Valley)

Winning accordion quartet at Western States Accordion Festival,
Long Beach, California
Members of East Mesa (Arizona) Stake:
Frank Milano, Francene Milano, Sylvia Farnsworth, Mila Ann Milano

Marion G. Romney inspecting site of future chapel,
Brussels, Belgium

“Mormon Yankees” missionary basketball team,
Sydney, Australia

Relief Society dramatic group,
Newcastle District (England) Relief Society

Junior Council, segment on raising funds for
Primary Children’s Hospital

Latter-day Saints aboard U.S.S. Ranger

Staff of Genealogical Society examining Polynesian records

Lamanite Primary of Ramah, New Mexico,
upon completion of 360 baptisms for the dead

Emigration Stake (Salt Lake) Cub Scouts,
presenting two television sets to Primary Children’s Hospital
after conducting a successful fundraiser

Sign built by Phoenix Air Scouts
indicating direction of emergency landing strip

LDS servicemen stationed at Fort Ord, California,
excursion to Los Angeles Temple

Las Vegas 6th Ward Trailbuilders,
Primary Baseball League










Beehive Girls of Union 3rd Ward (Salt Lake City), who made neckerchiefs for these new Scouts in Tulao, Samoa

Random man who is inexplicably pleased to find canned soup in his dinner pot
in every 1959 issue of the Improvement Era

Stake Presidency and Stake Relief Society Board, Salt Lake Stake

Reno, Nevada
Relief Society Sisters with their hand-braided rug

First Presidency:
J. Reuben Clark, Jr.; Henry D. Moyle; David O. McKay

Eyring Science Center, BYU, between classes

Granite Seminary, Salt Lake City
Oldest in church (founded 1912)

Aberdeen, Scotland, MIA Christmas party
featuring “treacle scones and apples”

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