If you have to ask how to wear a wristwatch … or whether it’s okay to whisper during a musical evening … or why your telephone mouthpiece stinks … well, it’s a good thing you have the “Girl Query” column of the Young Woman’s Journal!


Is it considered good form to even whisper in a concert or musical entertainment? – Margaret.

There are a number of rules governing deportment at musicals, theatres, etc. Late arrivals should not attempt to gain their seats while the orchestra or soloist is playing or singing, nor while the first act of a performance is in progress. If a seat has been gained the instant the performance begins, the new arrival will not remove wraps, open or flutter programs, or cause any commotion whatsoever. It is very bad form to grumble or complain about bad air, heat, acoustics, inability to see the stage, etc. If the entertainment proves dull or disappointing, quietly retire in an interval between numbers. A well-bred person will recognize the claims of others sufficiently to sit still, and refrain from whispering, turning the head backward, fluttering programs, coughing loudly, etc., as any such movement annoys and distracts those who are thoroughly enjoying the program. Criticisms of a pianist or vocalist is extremely bad taste, and though the performer may be objectionable to one person, is deeply appreciated by another. As an entertainment draws to a close, women ofttimes pin on hats, raise their arms in an effort to adjust their wraps, and perhaps hide from view the whole finale of a scene, and thus spoil it for those who wish to hear or see the end. Needless to say, such deportment comes only from the ill-bred or unpolished person.


Which is the proper arm on which to wear a wrist watch? – Mamie.

Wear it on the left arm.


“H.E.” – Yes, the Urim and Thummim was returned to the angel with the plates after the translation was completed.


“Sara S.F.” – Depilatories advertised for the removal of moles are dangerous, frequently eating their way into the flesh, and ultimately forming ulcers. Moles can be removed but only by a competent physician. Superfluous hair cannot be removed successfully or permanently except by the use of the electric needle in the hands of an expert dermatologist.


“Rosebud.” – “Freezone,” obtained at the drug store, is one of the best corn-removers that I know of. Other methods are, scrape a piece of common chalk, put a small portion of it upon the corn and bind it on with a linen rag. Repeat for several days and the corn will come out. Or, a piece of fresh lemon tied on the corn daily will eat into the roots so that in a short time it will come out. Tincture of iodine or aromatic vinegar applied with a wooden toothpick to the corn each night will loosen it, so that after a few days, if bathed in hot water it will come out.

In the future wear well-fitting shoes, discarding high heels or tight shoes!


“Hope.” – To gain friends, you must be friendly and lovable. In order to develop a beautiful character, which makes for friendship, cultivate a quiet behavior and gentle manner. Be kind, polite, refined, gracious, courteous, and unselfish. Modesty is one of the most winning and charmign qualities a girl can possess, so withal be modest. Try to make others happy. You must have the same demeanor at home with your parents, brothers, and sisters, as you have among your boy and girl associates away from home. The true worth of a girl is determined by the love and service she gives out, and the love she wins and holds in her home circle. Your solicitude for, and good will toward others, must be spontaneous and come from within, rather than from outside or surface manners. Hence the necessity of thinking good thoughts, and having pure motives.


“Mary.” – Some months ago we published several cures for warts but perhaps you did not see them or cannot remember them. One of our subscribers has sent in the following to this department: “I wish to offer the remedy I have tried with such good results, having removed forty-three warts, many of them large and seedy, in two weeks’ time. Dip a hat pin in acetic acid and touch the wart, being careful that none gets on the surrounding skin as it smarts.”


“Inez.” – your trouble is similar to that ofr many girls who launder their own handkerchiefs after work. To keep them a “good color” or white and dainty dissolve a teaspoonful of cream of tartar in a quart of hot water, and after washing the handkerchiefs let soak in this bleach for twenty minutes; then rinse and dry. You will be surprised how white and fresh they will be.


“Young Wife.” – If you will put a piece of adhesive plaster over the second joint of the finger when peeling fruit, the knife cannot hurt you.


“Y.” – (1) Cards of announcement are, in no sense, an invitation, but are intended to convey in a courteous manner to the friends of the contracting parties the information of their marriage. It is not customary to send presents, but if one chooses to do so it would be all right.

(2) When you are settled in your new home the ladies of the neighborhood will call, and not until then should you call upon them according to social custom. After two such social chats you will feel quite “at home.”


Is the wearing of high heeled shoes injurious to a girl? – Nannie.

There has been so much said and written against the high heel during the past few years, that one would think all sensible girls would gladly discard them for the sake of health and comfort. Have you ever seen a girl walking with an extremely high heel, that looked as though she really suffered with each step? That tired, distressed expression on her face is more aging in one hour than a week of real hard work. The heel should be wide enough to balance the body, without any undue strain. A girl or woman with feet comfortably shod, appears more at ease and maintains the proper bodily poise.

In a prominent office building in London this notice is posted: “If you are a nice girl you won’t wear high heeled shoes; remember your brain is measured in inverse ratio to the size of your boot heel.”


“Idaho.” – I know of no rule bearing on this particular subject.


“Mrs. A.B.C.” – You are quite right, the telephone ear-piece and transmitter should be thoroughly cleansed frequently to avoid disease. All the medical fraternity are agreed as to this. Quoting from an authority: “The unpleasant odor that lingers about most telephone transmitters, has doubtless been noted by all medical observers; its source and origin involve no deep mystery.” A solution of boric acid, or bicarbonate of soda is a good disinfectant.


“Barbara.” – Consult a good dentist at once, or you may lose some of your teeth, and you must know that sound, clean teeth are a very great asset to any girl. They help socially in having a sweet breath, improve one’s looks, are also an aid to clear speech or enunciation. They save dentists’ and doctors’ bills, are conducive to a good temper, save strength, energy, and time. They help in business life to secure better positions.


“Housewife.” – To make green pepper mangoes, select green peppers of uniform size, cut off top with stem to be used as cap after filling. Remove all seeds, and soak in strong brine for 36 hours; remove, drain, and fill, sew on caps, pack in a stone jar and cover with hot spiced vinegar. Filling: one quart of finely chopped cabbage; one pint chopped onions; one green pepper chopped, soak in salt water 24 hours and drain; add one teaspoonful mustard, one tablespoon each of ground cinnamon and cloves; two pounds sugar; one ounce each of celery seed and white mustard seed and one-half pint vinegar.


“Mrs. M.W.” – You say your grated cheese molds in the glass jar. Try lining the jar with a piece of cheesecloth dipped in vinegar before putting in the cheese. No mold will form and the cheese will not dry out.


“Esther.” – A brace would do no good for your stooped shoulders. You should take proper exercise daily and regularly. If near a gymnasium go there; if not you can strengthen the neck and shoulder muscles by chest-raising and other exercises given in physical culture magazines. Practice holding the head up, chin high, shoulders thrown well back and abdomen drawn in. Walk around your room every day for 20 minutes with a book balanced on your head. if necessary I will mail you some other exercises.


“Vivian.” – Unless a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed for personal reply, letters cannot be answered. This is the rule.


What poet predicted commerce and warfare by airships, and can you give me the poem? – Althea.

The poet Tennyson in his poem “Locksley Hall.”

For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see,
Saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be;
Saw the heavens fill with commerce, Argosies of magic sails
Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales.
Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rained a ghastly dew,
From the nation’s airy navies grappling in the central blue.


“Margaret.” – Yes, there is a “No-Tobacco” league in the state. Michael Mauss is the president. Address Murray, Utah.


“Delia.” – Your nearest living relative being a sister, she and her husband can send the announcement cards reading as follows:

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crane
have the honor to announce
the marriage of their sister
Margaret Louise
Mr. David Gordon
on Thursday, Dec. twenty-third
nineteen hundred and twenty
at _____.

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