My wife took me to a popular chick flick tonight, some movie about a big battle that apparently was inspired by something C.S. Lewis wrote, I'm guessing something in his memorable Chronicles of Narnia series. I enjoyed the books an awful lot, and managed to enjoy the movie somewhat as well. Nice catapults - the kind any engineer should admire.

I went into it expecting to be confronted with some deep and challenging thoughts loaded with subtle Christian insights. But I spent most of my time watching chaotic fight scenes, frequently wondering how Susan's quiver always managed to have five or six arrows in it no matter how many she shot, and also puzzling over how that delightful mouse managed to knock over burly soldiers. Physics are different in Narnia. Maybe that was the point - not sure.

Of course, the whole movie was about that big kiss at the end - never mind all the needlessly dead bodies. I saw that coming from miles away. Typical chick flick.
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