This past weekend we witnessed a gruesome abuse of power as Congress passed dangerous health care legislation that represents a clear and blunt attack on our rights and liberties as Americans, clearly surpassing the Constitutional limits on federal power.

Never in history has the US government attempted to require citizens to directly purchase a product created by the government--especially one that will cost a minimum of $15,000 per family per year.

The Constitution limits federal government power to 18 specific things (Article 1 Section 8) and goes on to say (in the 10th Amendment) that ALL other powers are reserved to the states, or to the people. Period. Read more.

Consider the following:

  1. This is the largest power-grab in the history of our Republic.
  2. This gives the federal government access to the most private details of your life.
  3. This information will be used to further government power.
  4. This will end political activism by all but the most die-hard folks with nothing to lose.
  5. This will open the door to all sorts of other restrictions on liberty.

If you think all incumbent congressmen who supported this monstrosity of a bill should be removed from office, please read and sign the pledge.

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